Know and Love the Truth
Truth is objective reality. No matter how I may feel about it, two plus two is not “three to me.” If that is how I feel about the equation, in reality, I am just plain wrong! In relation to God as our Creator and Redeemer, we must come to a knowledge of the truth, believe the truth, and obey the truth — all of which are revealed to us in the book of truth, the Word of God.
Voting: Option or Obligation?
Some allege that voting in elections is a Christian obligation. Others contend that it is an option, but not an obligation? Where does the truth lie? May Christians disagree on this issue without dissension?
Frankenstein Is Alive and Well!
Oh, they don’t call it murder. To these mad scientists, it’s just “embryo research.”
The Classification of Bible Commands
The commands found in the Bible may be classified in several ways to help our understanding.
The Power of Example
The Bible repeatedly appeals to the power of example. God himself is our example, as is Christ. Of course, Christians should demonstrate exemplary attributes as well in obedience and love.
Timothy McVeigh’s “Invictus”
Timothy McVeigh is dead. His ashes were secretly deposited into Earth’s bowels, to return to the dust whence they came (Gen. 3:19; Eccl. 12:7). His soul has entered a new domain where there is no place for arrogance, defiance, or “coping” with the environment (Lk. 16:23ff).
The Music-Authority Issue—Again
In response to a recent article in which we argued that instrumental music in Christian worship is without divine authority, a critic replied by suggesting that we practice many things in Christianity that are bereft of authority. One example he cited was the use of Bible translations. In this week’s Penpoints, we refute this baseless quibble.
The Song Police
Some songs certainly are unscriptural. But we should be sure that we do not irrationally object to songs based on our own misunderstanding of the Scriptures.
He Forsook the Treasures of Egypt
A discussion of the faith of Moses who forsook the treasures of Egypt
Is the Bible Obsolete?
Is the Bible obsolete since it was written so long ago and the world has changed so much?
Three Views of Self
None of us lives an isolated existence. While we see ourselves in a certain light, others may view us quite differently. Our Creator looks at us with absolute accuracy!
Are the Gospels a Part of the New Testament?
Some allege that the Gospel Accounts—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—reflect Old Testament legislation, and therefore these books do not constitute an authoritative body of instruction for Christians. This article addresses the fallacy of this kind of reasoning.
The Syrophoenician Woman: A Woman of Great Faith
As I was studying recently through the gospel of Mark, I was reintroduced to this wonderful individual — the Syrophoenician woman. I know that we can learn from this episode in the life of Jesus. Consider with me why our Lord described this Gentile lady as a woman of great faith.
The New R-word Label
Racism is an insidious evil that lies at the root of much hate against both man and God.
Five Alleged Mistakes in the Bible
A recent writer for a radical online magazine charged that the Bible is mistaken regarding five Old Testament texts. As it turns out, the article is wrong—on all five counts!
What About Jephthah’s Vow?
What about Jephthah’s vow, as mentioned in the book of Judges? Did he sacrifice his daughter? Or did he commit her to a life of service as a virgin? Good scholars have disagreed on this issue. What are the arguments, pro and con?
Jehovah’s Witnesses and Blood Transfusions
Are blood transfusions a violation of God’s law? The “Jehovah’s Witnesses” claim they are. Many cases can be documented that demonstrate that the “Witnesses” have allowed family members to die, rather than save their lives with blood transfusions. Read this article regarding this controversial issue.
The President and Pornography
This article exposes the loose attitude of Bill Clinton’s presidential administration toward the pornography trade.
JUSTIFICATION: By Faith or Works?
Is justification from sin by faith or works? Does it result from neither, one as opposed to the other, or both?
Did Jesus Endorse Situation Ethics?
Some claim that Matthew’s Gospel record (12:1-4) provides biblical precedent for the philosophy of situation ethics. They are wrong.