The Berkeley Project
This is a review of the Berkeley Project, supposedly designed to clone Jesus Christ.
Was Mohammed a Prophet?
Was Mohammed another prophet of God? Is there any evidence that would support that claim?
A Letter from a Mormon
Our web site elicits much mail from our readers. Some of it is very critical. This article briefly reviews a letter from a Mormon gentleman in Bulgaria.
To What Law Were the Ancient Gentiles Accountable?
The Jews of the Old Testament regime were responsible to the law of Moses. But what law were the Gentiles under? This is a question that perplexes many Bible students.
Is Christianity Polytheistic?
How is Christianity different than religions that worship several gods?
Scientific Evidence Affirms the Worth of Preborn Children
Do preborn babies deserve human rights protections? An honest look at the scientific evidence.
What Is the Fruit of Repentance?
What is repentance? Is it just being sorry for sin? Or is something more required?
The Sea of Galilee: A Silent Witness
Why does the sea of Galilee’s reputation far exceed its material qualities?
Who’s the Boss?
What values are our children really learning from our parenting? Are we really concerned with instilling respect for God and his will in our children’s hearts, or are we more concerned with making sure they have the appearance of a successfull family environment?
The Biblical View of Death
What does death involve? This terminal human experience can be a frightening prospect indeed if one is unprepared for it.
The Trail of Tears
Why do people cry? The Bible mentions human tears more than 500 times.
Are Science and Faith Compatible?
Has the god of “Star Wars” replaced the God of the Bible in the minds of many?
Did Mark Make a Mistake?
Was Mark confused regarding the identity of “Philip,” the first husband of Herodias?
How Do You Explain Joshua’s Long Day?
Can the devout Bible student believe in the Old Testament account of a longer-than-normal day, during the time of Joshua? Was this a miracle, or just a poetic expression?
Did Matthew Err Regarding “Judea”?
Critics of the Bible allege that the apostle Matthew made a mistake when he suggested “Judea” was “beyond the Jordan” (Mt. 19:1). Is there any way to legitimately exonerate the apostle from this charge? Study this problem with us.
The Second Death — Separation or Annihilation?
There is a growing movement in “Christendom” to repudiate the biblical doctrine of a “hell” that is characterized by everlasting torment, as a result of being separated from God. This is a deadly position that must be opposed vigorously.
A Study of Divine Providence
Does God work in our lives today?
Paul’s Two-Year Roman Imprisonment
By weaving together the data found in Paul’s prison epistles, one can get some feeling for how things fared for the apostle in Rome before being imprisoned again and finally departing to be with the Lord in his heavenly kingdom.
I’m Looking for a “Friendly Church”
Why is it that some people say they just cannot seem to find a “friendly” church?
Does Mark 16:16 Involve “Water” Baptism?
Is the baptism in Mark 16:16 a baptism in water or is it of some other sort?