Have You Considered The Consequences Of Sin?
The phenomenon of “sin” has wrought a terrible harvest upon this earth. Consider this matter with us.
The Holy Scriptures—Indestructible
The Bible has survived the vicious attacks throughout its existence and continues to be the best-selling publication in the world.
The Roman Catholic – Jewish Compromise
News sources report that a recently published document from Roman Catholic scholars attempts to promote a compromise between Jewish and Christian views regarding the Messiah? What is the basis of this ecumenical attempt?
That Controversial Pledge, “Under God”
Last week the nation was thrown into a firestorm of controversy when the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the phrase “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance, when recited in schools, is in violation of the U.S. Constitution. Wayne Jackson offers his thoughts on this issue.
The Covering of Sin
There are many ways in which mankind has attempted to deal with his sinfulness. Yet the only effective remedy is redemption through and obedience to Christ .
From God’s Mind to Man—The Bible
The revelation of God – from his mind to ours – is an intricate and inspiring process. Study it with us.
What Is Scientology?
Recently Hollywood actor, Tom Cruise, has provided considerable publicity for the movement called “Scientology.” Just what is the nature of this “religion”?
Must A Woman Fear Her husband?
The American Standard Version of the New Testament suggests that a woman must “fear” her husband. Does this seem reasonable?
Force-Feeding Obscenity to Our Youth
Do public school officials have the right to force students to read materials that they or their parents deem to be morally offensive?
Character Studies in Joshua
Characters in the book of Joshua present interesting and valuable studies that offer powerful, transforming spiritual lessons
Six Great Truths Cornelius Can Teach Us
Acts 10:33 throws a floodlight upon the religious convictions and noble character of Cornelius, the obedient Gentile.
An Exchange with Professor Wallace of the Dallas Seminary
In a previous article, I inadvertently mischaracterized Professor Daniel Wallace’s religious affiliation. He kindly corrected the matter. Here is my response.
The Fear of Death
While it is the case that as long as we are in the flesh, and constantly harassed by death, there will always be some degree of “uneasiness,” in view of the victory accomplished by the Lord, we can approach the inevitable with spirits that are more tranquil.
What Is Rastafarianism? Who Was Bob Marley?
What is the religion called Rastafarianism? How was Jamaican entertainer Bob Marley connected with this movement?
Does 1 Cor. 3:15 Support the Doctrine of “Eternal Security”?
First Corinthians 3:10-15 is a difficult portion of scripture. Calvinists contend that the passage teaches that though a child of God may suffer temporally for sins, he can never so sin as to be lost eternally. But what does this context really teach? Study this matter with us.
Those “Testimonies” Regarding Miracles
Testimonies regarding alleged “supernatural” occurrences in folks’ lives are as frequent as they are fabulous. But are they to be given credibility, simply because someones says, “I experienced a miracle”? How does one measure the so-called “miraculous” events?
New Expository Dictionary of Bible Words
Stephen Renn’s new Expository Dictionary of Bible Words is now available. Read Wayne Jackson’s review of this new Bible study tool. It will be a welcomed addition to the serious Bible student’s library.
Did the Law of Moses Continue until A.D. 70?
Did the law of Moses continue to be binding upon non-Christian Jews up until the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70? While some, who designate themselves as “realized eschatologists” so contend, there is no biblical support for this bizarre theory.
How Can I Be a Better Bible Student?
People frequently want to know how to be better students of God’s word. In this article, Wayne Jackson provides some very practical suggestions.
Burden-bearing: It’s the Law
Are law and love incompatible? Not according to Paul. We fulfill the law of Christ when we love others like Jesus loved us. Consider the valuable role you can play in the life of someone who is struggling now under the weight of unbearable burdens. Through Galatians 6:2, Christ is calling you to help lighten your brother’s burden for the sake of his soul.