Matthew’s Use of the Term “Fulfilled”
When the apostle Matthew wrote that an Old Testament prophecy had been “fulfilled” by Christ, just what did he mean? Engage in this study with us.
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
An in-depth study of the interesting encounter between Jesus and an unnamed Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well recorded in John chapter four.
But Were They Really Saved?
Calvinists deny that a child of God can ever apostatize so as to be finally lost. When biblical examples are introduced to the contrary, it is claimed that either such souls were never saved, or else their loss was merely temporal. Let us study this question seriously.
Two “Stewards”—A Study in Contrast
The matter of “stewardship” is a vital biblical concept. The following study in contrast is one that challenges the sincere child of God.
The English Standard Version and Micah 5:2
Did the ESV translate Micah 5:2 in the best possible fashion? There is some controversy about this matter; study the issue with us.
The Church And Its Detractors
There are always been those, both without and within the church of Jesus Christ, who have attempted to weaken and compromise the gospel of Christ. Such antagonists must ever be identified and rebuffed.
Words Fitly Spoken
Words are vehicles of communication. Since it is the case that “words” can lead either to salvation or to condemnation, it is important that Christians craft a vocabulary that expresses biblical ideas in their purest form. Study this issue with us in this month’s Feature.
A Simple Study of the Word “Must”
Words are vehicles of information; even the smallest words can be packed with meaning. Such is the case with the term “must.” Often overlooked; more often ignored, this important word must be studied carefully.
The Role of Woman
There are those in the body of Christ who are clamoring that women must throw off the yoke of male domination and claim their rightful place in the Lord’s kingdom.
Baptism for the Dead: Revisited
Some while back we published an article reviewing the Mormon dogma of “baptism for the dead.” A distinguished professor at Stanford University disputes our argumentation. This is our response to the gentleman.
The Preacher’s Private Life: Study Habits
Our great need today is “prophets” — not promoters, pushers, psychologists, and pleasers. In this presentation, Wendell Winkler discusses the answer to this need — study.
The Land Where God Is Not
The lessons learned from the Parable of the Prodigal Son – concerning the consequences of estrangement from God, and those qualities necessary for restoration, are treasures indeed.
Demons: Ancient Superstition or Historical Reality?
Both the Bible and ancient documents refer to demons. But was demonic possession an historical reality or merely a superstition from unenlightened days?
May a Christian Address Christ in Praise or Prayer?
Some sincere Christians contend that the child of God may not address Christ, either in praise or through prayer. Will this case stand in the light of critical investigation? Carefully study this issue with us.
Conversions in Acts
There is much confusion in the community of “Christendom” as to what constitutes “conversion.” There need not be. A collective consideration of those cases in the book of Acts wonderfully clarifies the matter. Study this theme with us.
A Reflection Upon Three Crosses
In the spring of A.D. 30, three men were crucified just outside the city of Jerusalem. A consideration of the historical facts associated with each is rewarding indeed.
The Allegory of the Vine and the Branches
Shortly before his arrest and death, Jesus taught his disciples by means of a beautiful allegory, that of the “vine” and the “branches.” Study this wonderful illustration with us.
The Haunting Question from the Cross
During the six hours in which he hung upon the cross, the Lord Jesus uttered seven sayings. Surely the most perplexing of these was his plaintive question, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46).
The Last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ
Borrowing from the legal terminology of the first century, the New Testament writers used the figure of a “last will and testament” to characterize that body of doctrine to which mankind is obligated in the Christian age, i.e., that era of time from the day of Pentecost until the Lord’s return. In this article, we examine several important features of a “last will and testament.”
The Gospel in Miniature — In the Book of Revelation
The book of Revelation ignites a confidence in the soul of every child of God — of any century. What a thrilling ray of hope this must have generated in the hearts of those early, suffering saints. Truly, it is the “gospel in miniature.”