The Case of Eutychus
The case of Eutychus in Acts chapter 20 is a testament to the authenticity of the Christian religion and an assurance that death is not the end of existence.
Are Multiple Containers Prohibited in the Distribution of the Lord’s Supper?
Are multiple cups (containers) prohibited in the distribution of the “fruit of the vine” during the Lord’s day communion service? Some sincere folks so contend, but what does the evidence actually indicate? Study this question with us.
Spiritual Warfare Is Real, Difficult, and Dangerous
The devil is after us. He wants us to join him in hell’s fire. In Ephesians 6:12-18, the apostle Paul pleads with Christians to take the devil’s malicious plans seriously. He calls upon us to appropriate the only available means to stand against the wiles of Satan — the whole armor of God. Such will make us strong in the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 1:4-5 – Election through the Gospel
The Bible knows nothing of an arbitrary divine election separate from human responsibility.
Belief as Used in the Book of Acts
A study of the word “belief” as it is utilized in the book of Acts.
Are the Gospels a Part of the New Testament?
Some allege that the Gospel Accounts—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—reflect Old Testament legislation, and therefore these books do not constitute an authoritative body of instruction for Christians. This article addresses the fallacy of this kind of reasoning.
Manufacturing “Slave Babies”
Recent polls indicate that many Americans have no objection to the production of “designer children” from which to extract needed materials for the use of others. In the process numerous, innocent, unborn children will be sacrificed. Has our nation lost her conscience?
2 Kings 2:23-25 – Elisha and the Lads of Bethel
Some see the case of Elisha and the lads of Bethel as conduct unworthy of a prophet of God. Several alleged problems are addressed.
Is God There?
When we are suffering, is God really watching over us? Does he really care?
What About the Bible and Slavery?
Does the Bible condone slavery? If so, how does the Christian reconcile this with the biblical concept of the intrinsic worth of every human being as a creature made in the image of God?
LaGard Smith’s New Book: ‘After Life’
LaGard Smith is a “scholar in residence” at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee. This lawyer/author has recently created a mild sensation with the publication of his latest book, After Life. In this week’s Penpoints, Wayne Jackson provides a brief review of Smith’s book.
Denominationalism: Permissible or Reprehensible?
Many folks within the domain of “Christendom” applaud the system of “denominationalism.” But does the “denominational” principle have the approval of Scripture?
Colossians 1:13 – The Present Kingdom
Is the kingdom of Christ now in existence? Or is the promise of such awaiting the future? The apostle Paul clearly affirms that the kingdom exists now.
The Pentateuch: The Cornerstone of Scripture
The first five books of the Old Testament are invaluable for the serious Bible student – in many different ways. Jason Jackson discusses these magnificent documents.
Did Jesus Institute Ceremonial “Feet-Washing”?
Why don’t most Christians practice church “feet-washing” today, since Jesus did say, “you ought to do this”? We are responding to this sincere question in this week’s Question period.
Know and Love the Truth
Truth is objective reality. No matter how I may feel about it, two plus two is not “three to me.” If that is how I feel about the equation, in reality, I am just plain wrong! In relation to God as our Creator and Redeemer, we must come to a knowledge of the truth, believe the truth, and obey the truth — all of which are revealed to us in the book of truth, the Word of God.
1 Kings 4:21 – Solomon’s Kingdom
Premillenialists, desperately clinging to the notion that the “land promise” to the Israelites is yet unfulfilled, disregard clear Bible testimony.
Uniqueness of the Biblical Creation Record, The
The ridiculous creation fables of mankind only serve to emphasize the genuineness of the Genesis account of the beginning.
Does Psalm 58 Teach “Original Sin”?
A sincere reader believes that Psalm 58:3-6 teaches that infants are “born in sin.” But this is a mistaken view of the figurative nature of the poetic language. Study this issue with us.
The Temptations of Christ
Would you like greater strength in confronting temptation? We can learn from the Master, who never yielded, and we ought to appreciate the sufferings he endured for us. Let us study together the temptations of Christ.